2. Architecture
LoaMA is a personal media aggregator
capable of handling text, audio and video media (from simple audio/video
streaming to phone calls), surfing the net and collecting RSS feeds.
LoaMA provides mechanisms that
allow each user to customize the way content is manipulated and routed, for
instance filtering before reading/playing it. Filtering may achieved by
composing several transformation steps (that we call “Transformer”). Each transformer
performs a different action on its input, like filtering, merging, splitting
and others as explained later.
Suppose for instance that the user is
interested in finding among his collections, all audio clips by a single
author. This task can be achieved composing three transformers: the first one
gathers the contents from a location on disk creating a feed consisting of
metadata, the second one selects the audio files and the third one filters the
results searching for the given author among the collected feed metadata.
A fundamental design decision in
LoaMA is to handle all data uniformly as RSS feeds: a single data type for RSS
feed is used to represent both material retrieved from external sources and
produced by the system and used internally by the system (e.g. playlists for
visualization). This approach provides both simplicity and flexibility.
The development of LoaMA has been
carried out by a team of about 70 students split into several groups. We will
briefly sketch the following LoaMA modules:
· Retriever
· Transformer
· Data Flow
· Server
· User Interface
· Mobile
2.1. Retriever
A retriever object is created for
handling the retrieval of a given URL. The gathered content is stored in a
specified location on disk. If the requested document is not an RSS feed, the
retriever also creates a simple RSS feed file, consisting in a single item,
containing metadata about the document and an enclosure referring to the actual
local copy. This allows the rest of the system to operate uniformly just on RSS
Retrievers use methods from the FeedSubscriber interface that their callers must provide, in order to notify them about
the progress and completion of a download.
Various kinds
of retrievers are available, each one handling a specific protocol. The currently
supported protocols are:
· http
· ftp
· BitTorrent
· Skype
The Skype interface provides the
capability to issue VoIP phone calls while the other protocols allow file
downloads from the Internet providing the typical features of a media
The retriever module dispatches network
requests to the appropriate retriever and keeps track of the status and
progress of each download.
The search module, which allows
searching through the collected contents as well as on local disk, also
produces its results as an RSS feed.
A cache mechanism is available in
order to reduce latency of retrieval.
2.2. Transformers
Transformers are used in LoaMA for most
of the internal system tasks and are exposed to users who can combine them in
any way to achieve their needs. Transformers operate on RSS feeds of any kind
and produce RSS feeds.
Composability of transformers is
achieved by defining a single interface that each transformer must implement:
interface ITransformer {
RssFeed[] Input { get, set }
RssFeed Output { get }
i.e. a transformer accepts an array of RssFeed as input and produces a single RssFeed as
output. There is no lack of generality here since a RssFeed object may contain several channels, which may possibly be split
into separate feeds.
A number of simple transformers
have been built and are currently available:
· Merge: merges several feeds into one
· Filter: select items from a feed
according to a certain criterion, for instance selecting feeds from a specified
source or in a specified format
· Split: splits one feed into many
· Shuffle: rearranges the items in a
random order
· Sort: sorts the items according to a
certain criterion.
The last two transformers are also used
internally by LoaMA to operate on playlists, exploiting the fact that playlists
are themselves represented as RSS feeds.
Some transformers
accept configuration options to control their operation: for example, a filter transformer
must be given the filtering criteria to be applied to an RSS feed.
A few more complex transformers are
also available:
· Indexer: creates a searchable index for
a collection of feeds
· Classifier: divides the items in a feed
into a set of predefined classes
· Clusterer: groups channel items into
sets with similar content.
The Indexer transformer is helpful in
providing faster search through user collections. The indexer creates a
searchable full-text index by analyzing the text documents in the user
collections (HTML, RSS documents), or by extracting metadata (e.g. author,
title, etc.) from other media types. Such metadata are extracted and stored in
the RSS feed document created by the retrievers.
2.3. Data Flow
The Data Flow module bestows the possibility of customizing
LoaMA. A LoaMA user can compose transformers to perform tasks such as classifying,
collecting and filtering contents. The user can automate the
process of creating his own playlists, to organize and classify his material, and
to share it with other LoaMA users.

Figure 1. A Composition of transformers.
Figure 1 illustrates
a data flow where a merger transformer merges three retrieved feeds, two other
feeds are filtered and the two output feeds are classified to produce the final
feed, that will consists of several channels, one for each classification category.
Transformers can be built through the
LoaMA user interface: the user selects which feeds he wants to transform and
then selects from a window pop up among a number of available transformers to
apply to them. The resulting output feed of the transformation is added to a
list of temporary feeds, appearing in a specific pane in the user interface (bottom
left in Figure 1), so that it can be selected again as input to further
transformations. The composition of transformers creates a data flow of RSS
feeds, which is itself a transformer of type CompositeTransformer that can be saved for use in creating other compositions. This step
involves generating code for the composite transformer and compiling it into a
new assembly (DLL) that becomes part of the available transformers loaded at
application start up.

Figure 2. A Composite transformer.
A Data Flow is made out of TransformerNode’s connected to each other. The Data Flow process is demand driven:
the resulting RSS feed of a transformation is obtained by calling the Start() method on a TransformerNode. The TransformerNode in turn invokes Start() on all of its
input transformers. This triggers a cascade of requests on each component of
the dataflow, until the request reaches a retriever or a primitive transformer
with no inputs. A TransformerNode is
notified through its FeedSubscriber interface
when a feed becomes available for processing. When the transformer’s input
feeds are all available, it applies its transformation on the collected feeds
in order to produce its output feed and notifies its caller.
Data Flow transformations occur
between a local RSS feed retriever and a user interface Presenter. A dummy TransformerNode is used
to interface transformers to locally stored RSS feeds.

Applying different transformers to
his feeds allows a LoaMA user to customize every step in handling feeds, from retrieval to selection,
presentation, storage and distribution.
2.4. Server
This module provides a server facility to
LoaMA, so that users can publish the material they wish to make available to
others either through the Web or other file sharing protocols.
The server currently implements a
subset of the HTTP protocol, including GET requests and HTTP authentication to restrict
access. The server also supports the BitTorrent protocol, implementing the
operations for startup, shutdown and logging.
The server module consists in:
- Web Server
- Throttler
- Access Control
- Logger
- BitTorrent
- Monitoring
- Streaming
The Web Server handles all incoming
requests from external users, either general Http or BitTorrent requests. In
the latter case, the BitTorrent module is invoked.
The throttler has the task to control
the overall use of bandwidth within LoaMA. This is a difficult task, since
various components of LoaMA have different requirements and employ protocols
that do not incorporate provisions for bandwidth control. Bandwidth control is
essential in a media aggregator which can consume bandwidth eagerly, both in
download and upload.
Several alternatives where
considered in the design of the throttler: a drastic solution would have been
to force all retrievers/uploaders to use a special socket interface
incorporating bandwidth control. This would have been impractical because it would
have required re-implementing all protocols from scratch. A simpler solution
was chosen where the throttler assigns an upper amount of bandwidth to each of the
concurrent retrieval threads according to a user assigned priority. Each thread
is requested to comply within this limit. This restrain mechanism has been
implemented in the http retrievers, which exploit IO completion ports, and
hence can be delayed when the overall bandwidth limits is achieved. BitTorrent
4.0 already provides a bandwidth limitation mechanism that the throttler can
The BitTorrent module serves
requests for files having the .bt extension (requests
for metainfo .torrent files are handled instead by the
Web server): it runs a tracker and implements the BitTorrent peer wire protocol
responding to requests from BitTorrent clients for a piece of a file.
The Access Control module implements
a login and password mechanism to manage the authentication for users that want
to access to the server.
The logger records the user actions,
since the startup of the application and it writes error messages to a log
The Monitoring module displays
information about the current uploads from other network users. The module
allows controlling bandwidth usage, for instance terminating some very
demanding transfers.
The Streaming module sends
multimedia files, such as mp3, wma or other, through http streaming. It displays
information regarding the streaming process, e.g. the size and name of the file
being transferred, the progress and status of the transfer. It is also possible
to kill one or all of the existing uploads.
2.5. User Interface
The UI module provides an intuitive, graphical
interface for reading the collected media and for controlling the facilities of
the LoaMA application.

Figure 3. The LoaMA user interface.
Main Window
The main window of LoaMA handles the
typical interaction controls (toolbar, menu bar) and it is split into several panes,
each one handled by a specific presenter.
The Playlist Presenter displays the tree
structure of the current playlist.

A playlist is organized in categories and
the user can manipulate the folders corresponding to each category.
An interesting feature of LoaMA is
that playlists are themselves represented as RSS feeds, so that they can be
exported and exchanged with other users. For the same reason playlists can be
manipulated and transformed by any of the LoaMA transformers: for instance they
can be merged, clustered or classified, merged with annotations, analyzed by
statistical tools, or passed to recommendation systems to obtain suggestions
for other potentially interesting items to the user.
Keeping track of read items in a
playlists is also dealt by manipulating RSS feeds: an RSS feed is generated
which contains additional metadata about the items in the playlist, e.g. whether
the item has been read, where it is stored locally and so on. Whenever the
playlist is loaded, it is merged with such additional metadata feed to present
the user with its personal view of the playlist.
RSS Presenter
The RSS Presenter displays, for each RSS
feed, the list of items present in its channel.
When an item is selected from this
list, its content is transformed from XML into a stylized HTML and shown in the
Web Browser tab below.

This module interacts with other UI modules:
for instance after selecting an item, the appropriate player can be started.
Multimedia Presenter
The Multimedia Presenter gets invoked to start
the presenter suitable for a specific media: the browser for HTML documents or
the media player for audio/video files.
Download Manager
This module creates the appropriate retriever
to perform a requested download for a URL and returns an observer object, which
can be used to monitor the progress of the download, to suspend/resume or stop
it and also to throttle the amount of bandwidth it uses.
2.6. Mobile
A version of LoaMA has been developed for
cellular phones. This module has been developed on the Java platform, because of
its availability on a wide range of mobile phone models.
Mobile LoaMA provides the following
· RSS 2.0 support: implementation of a RSS parser and different RSS
viewer for all possible content types of RSS feed entries.
· Embedded Media Player: a player for multimedia content (audio and
video) of user playlist implemented with MMAPI.
· Embedded Image Viewer: a viewer for user photo gallery or playlist.
· Embedded HTML Browser: a browser to visualize web contents.
Figure 4. LoaMA on a cell phone.
The application also supports
optimizations for RSS feed download (e.g. caching of downloaded feed, proxy)
and search (RSS filters).